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Women’s Rehab Program

woman learning about a women's rehab programGender-specific treatment has many advantages for women. For example, a women’s rehab program allows women to be treated by women, among other women. Women receive the same overall treatment benefits as a co-ed program, but with the added comfort level of being among peers without the distraction of the opposite sex. Women work with female counselors to craft a fully customized treatment and recovery plan designed just for them. For more information on women’s rehab addiction treatment programs in Tennessee, call on the Apex Recovery team. 

What Is Women’s Rehab?

A women’s rehab is uniquely designed to treat challenges relating to women when it comes to substance use and mental health disorders. Women experience addiction differently from men, and vice versa. So, having programming that can address each gender in a way that works best for them is advantageous.

Society is responding to the need for better—and more accessible—mental health and addiction treatment services. But finding the treatment program that is the right fit for you can still be a challenge. At Apex Recovery San Diego, we offer programs that are designed for your needs. We offer a variety of therapeutic modalities that our treatment team will use to create a personalized treatment plan for each person, keeping gender-specific needs in mind.

Some of these gender-specific needs include experiences—many at the hands of men— that may have led women to a substance use or mental health disorder, including:

  • Gender identity confusion
  • Sexual identity confusion
  • Domestic abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Infidelity initiated by themselves or their partner
  • Societal gender norm pressures

Benefits Of a Women’s Rehab Program 

Women can turn to drugs or alcohol because of different triggers or traumas in their lives. Sometimes a mental health disorder will lead to an addiction, and in other cases an addiction can cause a mental health concern. Peer pressure, societal expectations, and unhealthy relationships are just a few triggers that can lead to a disorder that brings a woman to the point of needing rehab.  

Benefits of women’s rehab include: 

  • Focusing on women’s issues—This is much easier to do when surrounded by other women. In gender-specific treatment, the focus is on what you are going through as a woman. 
  • Better coping skills—Female counselors help women with ways they can effectively cope with their specific issues. This is through both individual and group therapy. 
  • Confidence building—Being empowered with the knowledge that you can overcome your addiction and manage mental health disorders, will allow you to love your life in a healthy and confident way.  
  • Healthy relationship building—Addiction and mental health challenges can wreak havoc on relationships. Rebuilding important relationships and learning how to form healthy relationships going forward is critical. 

Rehab for Women in Tennessee at Apex Recovery

Making the decision to seek treatment can be overwhelming. Adding in the discomfort of being treated among men, can make it even harder. Knowing that you have the option to receive treatment for a substance use or mental health disorder among women only, in a gender-specific program, could be the treatment answer you have been looking for. At Apex Recovery Tennessee, our treatment team will work with you to craft a customized treatment plan utilizing a variety of therapies, to get you to the goal of lifelong recovery. 

Find out more about receiving treatment in a safe, caring, professional, and comfortable setting among other women. Our treatment team understands that your experience is unique, just like you. Once you complete treatment at Apex Recovery, you will have a full toolbox to help you go out and live a healthier and happier life. Our team is available to answer any questions you have when you are ready to get the treatment you need. Call us at (877) 881-2689 now. 

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