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Drug and Alcohol Addiction Detox Center in Tennessee

The first step is the most important one to find a drug and alcohol addiction detox center in Tennessee. Learn more with essential information about detox facilities, services offered, and the detox process. Discover the compassionate approach Apex Recovery takes toward addiction treatment and the comprehensive support we provide to help people on their journey to recovery.

Free Addiction Assessment

Schedule a free, confidential assessment with a licensed clinician. Apex Recovery can check your insurance coverage levels for drug and alcohol addiction, and mental health treatment.

What is a Medical Detoxification Center?

A medical detoxification center is a facility where people undergo supervised withdrawal from addictive substances under medical care. These centers provide a safe environment, offering medical support to manage withdrawal symptoms and ensure patient safety. Treatment plans are custom-made to individual needs, helping to stabilize patients physically and emotionally before transitioning to further addiction treatment.

Medical detoxification centers also offer additional support services such as counseling, education on addiction and recovery, and referrals to follow-up treatment programs. By providing a structured and supervised environment, these centers play a crucial role in helping people safely navigate the initial stages of recovery and take the first step towards overcoming addiction. At Apex Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Center, we are your partner in this journey. Contact us today or call us at (877) 881-2689.

Opioid (e.g., Heroin, Opiate, Prescription Painkillers) Detoxification Program

The detoxification process from opioids like heroin, opiates, and prescription painkillers usually lasts 5-7 days to address acute withdrawal symptoms, under medical supervision. This period is crucial for managing the physical discomfort and health risks associated with withdrawal. However, residual symptoms can linger for weeks beyond this initial phase, necessitating ongoing support and care to fully navigate the detoxification process.

In the aftermath of acute detox, people often continue with medications such as methadone or buprenorphine as part of a broader detoxification treatment strategy. These medications, key components of medication-assisted treatment (MAT), help manage cravings and stabilize the person by mimicking the effects of opioids at a much-reduced intensity, without inducing a high. This stage can last several months or more, tailored to the patient’s recovery journey, helping to ease the transition from dependence to a more stable, substance-free life.

Alcohol Detoxification Program

Alcohol detoxification is a critical phase in overcoming dependence, typically spanning 5-7 days to navigate through acute withdrawal symptoms. This period is essential for safely managing the physical effects of alcohol cessation. However, the complete detoxification process can extend over several weeks, as the body gradually adjusts to functioning without alcohol, highlighting the need for a carefully monitored approach.

To alleviate the discomfort and potential risks associated with alcohol withdrawal, medications such as benzodiazepines are commonly administered. These medications help to reduce symptoms, prevent complications, and ensure a smoother detoxification process. The use of such medications is tailored to the individual’s specific health profile and withdrawal severity, forming a vital part of the comprehensive care provided during alcohol detox Tennessee residents may face.

Benzodiazepines (e.g., Xanax, Ativan, Valium) Detoxification Program

Detoxification from benzodiazepines like Xanax, Ativan, and Valium typically involves a shorter acute withdrawal phase, often lasting a week or less, compared to opioids or alcohol. Despite its brief duration, withdrawal can be intense, requiring close medical oversight to manage symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, and tremors, ensuring the person’s safety and comfort.

To ease withdrawal, a methodical tapering of the benzodiazepine dosage or switching to a longer-acting substitute may be employed. This gradual reduction approach helps mitigate withdrawal symptoms and reduces the risk of severe reactions, under the careful guidance of healthcare professionals. Supportive care and therapy may also be provided to address psychological aspects of dependence, helping a smoother transition to recovery.

Stimulants (e.g., cocaine, methamphetamine) Detoxification Program

Detoxification from stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamine generally features a relatively brief period of acute withdrawal symptoms, typically lasting a week or less, shorter than those associated with opioids or alcohol. During this time, people may experience intense cravings, fatigue, and mood disturbances as their body adjusts to the absence of the stimulant.

Given the lack of specific medication-assisted treatment for stimulant withdrawal, detox centers focus on providing supportive care to manage symptoms. This approach includes monitoring vital signs, ensuring hydration and nutrition, and offering psychological support to help people cope with the emotional and mental challenges of withdrawal. The goal is to create a safe, supportive environment that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction recovery.

A man being supported during group therapy.

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Drug and Alcohol Addiction Detox Centers in Tennessee

Discovering the right medically assisted detox program for substance abuse in Tennessee can be vital towards recovery. It’s essential when looking for a detox center near me in Tennessee, that the facility chosen offers the support and care necessary for a successful journey to sobriety. Contact us at Apex, where we can guide you through every step. Call (877) 881-2689 today.

Birds eye view of Nashville Tennessee
Map of Apex Recovery locations around Nashville.

Drug and Alcohol Detox Center in Tennessee

Apex Addiction Recovery Center in Tennessee boasts two specialized substance abuse treatment facilities that offer medically assisted detox programs.

Apex Recovery Franklin
4601 Carothers Pkwy STE 250A
Franklin, TN 37067

Apex Recovery Columbia
2710 Trotwood Ave STE A & B
Columbia, TN 38401

Does Health Insurance Cover Detox Programs?

Health insurance often covers detox programs, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, which requires most insurance plans to offer coverage for addiction treatment similar to that for other medical conditions. People under 26 may be covered under their parent’s insurance, allowing them to access necessary detox services without bearing the full costs themselves.

Coverage details, including the extent of treatment services covered and any copayments or deductibles, can vary widely between insurance providers and specific plans. Additionally, some detox centers – like Apex Substance Addiction Recovery Center –  have staff members who can check your insurance and can assist patients and families in understanding their coverage. This helps in navigating the complexities of insurance coverage, ensuring that those in need of detox services can access them with the financial support provided by their insurance plans. Call us at (877) 881-2689 or  contact us online. You can also visit our Insurance page for more information.

What is Substance Use Disorder?

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a medical condition where people compulsively use substances like alcohol or drugs, leading to significant impairment or distress. It ranges from mild to severe, impacting physical health, mental well-being, and social relationships. SUDs are characterized by a loss of control over substance use, cravings, and a continued pattern despite negative consequences.

Treatment involves behavioral therapies, medications, and support services, focusing on underlying causes and promoting recovery. Early intervention is crucial for effective management and reducing the broader societal impact.

How Long Is the Alcohol Detox Process?

The alcohol detox process typically spans from a few days to a week, with acute withdrawal symptoms usually peaking within the first 24-72 hours. However, the duration varies based on the severity of the person’s addiction, physical health, and history of alcohol use. This initial phase is critical for safely managing the withdrawal symptoms that accompany cessation of alcohol consumption.

Following the acute phase, some people may experience prolonged withdrawal symptoms, which can last for weeks or even months. These symptoms are generally psychological, such as mood swings, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. The complete detox process is highly individualized, with the intensity and duration of symptoms influencing the overall length of detoxification. It’s important for those undergoing detox to have medical supervision and detox support to navigate this challenging period effectively and to lay a foundation for ongoing recovery and treatment. If you or a loved one are searching for an alcohol detox center near me, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today at (877) 881-2689. Our expert team can assist in finding the right program to support your recovery journey.

How Long Is the Drug Detox Process?

The drug detox process duration varies significantly depending on the substance involved, ranging from several days to a few weeks. Acute withdrawal symptoms for most drugs peak within the first few days but can last a longer period depending on the drug, the severity of dependence, and individual health factors.

After the acute phase, people may experience post-acute withdrawal symptoms, which can persist for months. These symptoms include anxiety, depression, and cravings. The specific timeline and approach to drug detox Tennessee patients can expect differs widely among individuals and substances, such as opioids, benzodiazepines, or stimulants, each requiring tailored treatment strategies. Supportive care, including medication-assisted treatment and counseling, plays a vital role in addressing both the physical and emotional challenges during detox.

doctor explaining to male patient the benefits of ambetter insurance of tennessee.

Getting to Know the Volunteer State and its Famous Sites and Cities

The Volunteer State, Tennessee, known for its rich history, diverse landscapes, and vibrant cities. From the iconic music scene in Nashville to the historic sites in Memphis, Tennessee has many experiences to explore. Whether you’re drawn to its musical heritage, culinary delights, or natural wonders, Tennessee invites you to discover the essence of its famous sites and cities.

Nashville, the capital, is renowned as the birthplace of country music, home to the Grand Ole Opry and the Country Music Hall of Fame. Visitors can immerse themselves in live music along Broadway or explore the vibrant food scene and cultural attractions. Memphis, on the other hand, beckons with its deep ties to the blues and rock ‘n’ roll, epitomized by Graceland, the former home of Elvis Presley. The city’s Beale Street pulses with live music and is a haven for BBQ enthusiasts seeking mouthwatering ribs and soulful flavors.

Tennessee also boasts stunning natural beauty, including the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, offering outdoor enthusiasts opportunities for hiking, camping, and wildlife viewing. History buffs can delve into the state’s past at sites like the Civil War battleground of Shiloh and the historic plantations scattered throughout the countryside. There is also Dollywood for exciting family fun.

Free Addiction Assessment

Schedule a free, confidential assessment with a licensed clinician. Apex Recovery can check your insurance coverage levels for drug and alcohol addiction, and mental health treatment.

Do Detox Centers in Tennessee Offer Mental Health Treatment?

Yes, many detox centers in Tennessee offer mental health treatment as part of their comprehensive care approach. Recognizing the close connection between substance use disorders and mental health issues, these facilities integrate psychological and psychiatric services to address co-occurring disorders. This holistic approach ensures that people receive support for both substance withdrawal and underlying mental health conditions.

Detox centers in Tennessee often employ a multidisciplinary team of professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, and licensed therapists, to provide a full spectrum of mental health services. These may include individual counseling, group therapy, and medication management, all tailored to meet the diverse needs of each patient. By treating mental health issues in conjunction with substance detoxification, these centers improve overall outcomes and lay a stronger foundation for long-term recovery. 

Apex Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery Center checks all these boxes, so call us today at (877) 881-2689 or contact us online for more information on medical detox centers near me in Tennessee. You can also check your insurance now to get started.

Do Detox Centers in Tennessee Offer Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs?

Many detox centers in Tennessee do offer dual diagnosis treatment programs, catering to those who suffer from both substance use disorders and mental health issues. These programs are designed to provide an integrated approach to treatment, recognizing that addressing both conditions simultaneously is crucial for effective recovery and long-term management of these intertwined challenges.

Dual diagnosis treatment programs in Tennessee typically involve a combination of detoxification services to manage withdrawal symptoms, along with psychiatric care to address mental health conditions. Through a team of professionals skilled in both addiction medicine and mental health care, these centers ensure that patients receive comprehensive support. Treatments may include medication management, behavioral therapies, counseling, and support groups. The goal is to not only achieve sobriety but also to improve mental health, enhancing the quality of life and reducing the risk of relapse.

 What is the Intake and Admissions Process for Tennessee Detox Programs?

The intake and admissions process for Tennessee detox programs typically begins with an initial assessment to evaluate the person’s medical history, substance use patterns, and treatment needs. This assessment determines the most appropriate level of care for the individual. Once admitted, patients undergo a comprehensive intake evaluation, including medical and psychiatric assessments, to develop a personalized treatment plan.

During the intake process, people may be asked to provide information about their substance use history, including the types and amounts of drugs or alcohol used, as well as any past treatment experiences. Medical professionals may also inquire about co-occurring medical or mental health conditions that could impact detoxification and treatment. Additionally, people may undergo physical examinations and laboratory tests to assess their overall health and identify any potential complications.

After completing the intake and assessment process, patients are admitted to the detox program and begin their treatment under medical supervision. Depending on the severity of their addiction and withdrawal symptoms, they may receive medications to manage withdrawal symptoms and ensure a safe detoxification process. Throughout their stay, patients are closely monitored by medical staff and receive support from counselors and therapists to address both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. Looking for detox near me? Contact us at Apex Recovery today. Our admissions specialist will help you as you begin your journey towards sobriety. 

two women discussing the opportunity of rehab through ambetter tennessee

How Much Does a Drug and Alcohol Detox Program Cost?

The cost of a drug and alcohol detox program can vary widely, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per day. Factors influencing the price include the type of detox facility, length of stay, level of medical care provided, and whether the program is inpatient or outpatient. Insurance coverage can significantly impact out-of-pocket expenses.

Additional considerations affecting cost include the location of the detox center, the amenities offered (such as private rooms or luxury accommodations), and the specific substance or substances being detoxed from, as some may require more intensive medical supervision. Many facilities work with patients to provide financial assistance, payment plans, or sliding scale fees based on income to make treatment more accessible. Ultimately, while the cost of detox can be a barrier for some, finding a program that fits a person’s financial situation and recovery needs is crucial for long-term success.

two people hold hands as they begin their sobriety journey

What are the Common Medicines Used for Drug and Alcohol Detox? 

The common medicines used for drug and alcohol detox vary based on the substance involved and the severity of the addiction. Healthcare providers select medications to manage withdrawal symptoms and support recovery, ensuring a safer detox process. Next, we’ll explore the medications typically employed for different substances: opioid detox medication, alcohol detox medication, Benzodiazepine detox medication, and stimulant detox medication.

Opioid Detox Medication

In opioid detoxification, medications such as Methadone, Buprenorphine, and Naltrexone are pivotal. Methadone helps reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, for a more manageable detoxification process. Buprenorphine decreases symptoms of withdrawal and is often preferred due to its lower potential for misuse. Naltrexone, used post-detox, blocks the euphoric effects of opioids, supporting long-term recovery by reducing the likelihood of relapse.

Alcohol Detox Medication

Alcohol detoxification commonly utilizes medications such as Benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam, lorazepam) to manage withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and seizures. Acamprosate helps restore chemical balance in the brain, reducing alcohol cravings post-detox. Disulfiram creates adverse effects if alcohol is consumed, acting as a deterrent. These medications are integral components in supporting people through alcohol detox and promoting long-term sobriety.

Benzodiazepine Detox Medication

Detox from benzodiazepines typically involves a medically supervised tapering strategy, where the dose is gradually reduced to ease withdrawal symptoms. This method may include switching to longer-acting benzodiazepines, which are metabolized more slowly, allowing for a more stable and controlled reduction in dependency. Such an approach minimizes withdrawal severity and supports a safer, more manageable detox and cleansing process.

Stimulant Detox (e.g., Cocaine, Methamphetamine) Medication

Stimulant detox, for substances like cocaine and methamphetamine, primarily focuses on symptomatic treatment. This approach addresses specific withdrawal symptoms as they arise, such as depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances, without a standard medication protocol. Treatments may include antidepressants for mood stabilization and sleep aids to manage insomnia, easing the discomfort associated with stimulant withdrawal and supporting the detox process.

a person reaches for a glass of liquor

Some Statistics and Information About Substance Abuse in Tennessee

  • The drug overdose death rate in TN in 2021 was 56.6 per 100,000 people
  • The national overdose death rate that year was 32.4 per 100,000 people 
  • There were 3,038 opioid overdose deaths in Tennessee in 2021
  • 80% of all drug overdose deaths were opioid-related
  • The age-adjusted opioid overdose death rate in Tennessee was 45.5 per 100,000 people in 2021, compared to 10.1 per 100,000 in 2011
  • There were over 7,000 nonfatal overdose inpatient stays in the state
  • 20,485 nonfatal overdose outpatient visits in 2021
  • There were 4,330,771 opioid painkiller prescriptions
  • Annual average of 9.1% of youth (12-17) in TN drink alcohol
  • 26.2% of young adults (18-25) binge drank in the past month
  • 13.1% of young adults (18-25) had an SUD
  • 4.3% of Tennesseeans 12 and older had an AUD


Drug and Alcohol Addiction Stats in Tennessee

In 2021, Tennessee witnessed a staggering drug overdose death rate of 56.6 per 100,000 people, surpassing the national average of 32.4 per 100,000. Of the 3,038 opioid overdose fatalities recorded, an overwhelming 80% were opioid-related. The age-adjusted opioid overdose death rate surged to 45.5 per 100,000 people, a sharp increase from the 2011 rate of 10.1 per 100,000.

The state reported over 7,000 nonfatal overdose inpatient stays and 20,485 outpatient visits. There were 4,330,771 opioid painkiller prescriptions dispensed, reflecting a persistent reliance on opioids for pain management. Additionally, 9.1% of Tennessee youth aged 12-17 consumed alcohol annually, while 26.2% of young adults aged 18-25 engaged in binge drinking in the past month. Moreover, 13.1% of young adults grappled with substance use disorders, while 4.3% of people aged 12 and older struggled with Alcohol Use Disorder.

How to Find Detox Centers in Tennessee

Apex Addiction Recovery Center in Tennessee offers reputable detox centers, including:

  1. Apex Recovery Franklin
    4601 Carothers Pkwy STE 250A
    Franklin, TN 37067

  2. Apex Recovery Columbia
    2710 Trotwood Ave STE A 
    Columbia, TN 38401

  3. Apex Recovery Columbia
    2710 Trotwood Ave STE B
    Columbia, TN 38401

To locate detox centers in Tennessee, including aftercare treatment facilities, consider these steps for a comprehensive search:

  1. Online Research: Initiate with a web search using terms like “detox centers in Tennessee,” “detox center Tennessee,”  “medical detox Tennessee,” or “medical detox facilities Tennessee” to compile a list of potential options within the state.
  2. Online Directories and Healthcare Websites: Make use of specialized online directories and healthcare platforms that offer filtering options based on your location or specific needs (for example, to look for “detox programs near me”) making it easier to find suitable detox centers.
  3. Insurance Provider Consultation: Reach out to your health insurance company to inquire about detox centers that are included in your coverage, ensuring you find financially feasible options in Tennessee.
  4. Local Hospital Inquiries: Local hospitals and medical centers often have knowledge of nearby detox facilities and can provide referrals.
  5. Primary Care Physician Advice: Your family doctor or primary care physician can be a valuable resource for recommendations or referrals to reputable detox centers based on their professional network.
  6. Behavioral Health Agency Assistance: Contacting local behavioral health agencies or mental health organizations can yield information on available detox centers and support services.
  7. Personal Recommendations: Don’t hesitate to ask friends, family, or members of support groups for personal recommendations based on their experiences with detox centers in Tennessee.

Using these strategies can lead you to find the right detox and aftercare treatment centers in Tennessee that align with your recovery goals.

Call Our Toll-Free Hotline 24/7 at 877.881.2689