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Sleep Disorder Treatment

A man who needs a sleep disorder treatment programPatients who come to Apex Recovery often suffer from various sleep disturbances, which are caused or exacerbated by their addictions. In addition, any kind of stressful event including addiction itself can disrupt neurotransmitter levels, affecting sleep in various ways. From daytime fatigue to insomnia and frequent waking, we address sleep disorders through a combination of medication, nutrition, and therapy. By restoring normal neurotransmitter function, we help our patients get the much-needed sleep they need to recover from substance abuse and mental health issues. To learn more about our addiction therapy programs, call us today at (877) 881-2689.

What Is a Sleep Disorder?

A sleep disorder is a medical condition that affects the quality or quantity of your sleep. Sleep disorders can cause many different symptoms, such as insomnia, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. Unfortunately, sleep disorders can also lead to serious health problems if left untreated.

Sleep disorders can be much more complex than initially meets the eye. They range from mild to severe and come in many forms, including:

  • Insomnia
  • Sleep apnea (punctuated sleep cycles)
  • Narcolepsy
  • REM disorders
  • Parasomnia (sleepwalking)
  • Restless leg syndrome

Poor or inadequate sleep can have a profoundly negative effect on an individual’s everyday life. It affects mood, concentration, memory, pain tolerance, impulsiveness, judgment-making abilities, immune system, and blood pressure.

Do Many People Have Sleep Disorders?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that as many as 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder. With any sleeping disorder come many risk factors. Females, people over the age of 60, those who are under excessive stress or those who work night shifts are all prone to having sleep or wakefulness problems. These individuals may use alcohol or drugs to help themselves, which of course, only makes the initial diagnosis worse. The fact that their judgment-making is impaired by sleep deprivation only aggravates the problem.

Sometimes, medication for sleep disorders can be the trigger for addiction, like in the case of narcolepsy. Unfortunately, amphetamines and methamphetamines for narcolepsy treatments can lead to addiction. However, it is also highly possible that the sleep disorder is just a symptom of a more severe condition, such as depression or anxiety.

Sleep Disorder Treatment and Addiction

Apex Recovery offers the best support for dually diagnosed clients who suffer from sleep disorders. Not only do we have the resources to offer our patients comprehensive care, but we are also qualified to assess the real nature of the problem.

Rehab at Apex Recovery starts with medically supervised detoxification of the body. After this stage, rehabilitation takes place—how long this process is and what exactly differs from one case to another. With patients who have a sleep disorder, it is important to run sleep tests and explore the possibilities of other co-occurring disorders. For example, individuals with narcolepsy tend to develop panic anxiety.

Patients with sleep disorders need to receive treatment on physiological, physical, and psychological levels. We can help with all these aspects of treatment with support from our team of physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, and experts in holistic healing, yoga, meditation, wellness, and nutrition. Through our residential therapy, a blend of counseling and psychotherapy with carefully prescribed medications and nutritional and recreational regimens will be adapted to every patient. This personalized program will allow the individual to:

  • Deal with the underlying problems and consequences of their disorders
  • Teach them coping and relaxation skills
  • Support them in avoiding situations that could lead them back to addiction

In addition, we will help them to better manage stress, insomnia, and other sleep-related problems.

Sleep Disorder Treatment in Tennessee at Apex Recovery

At Apex Recovery, we have the expertise to diagnose and treat a wide range of sleep disorders. Our experienced team of professionals will work with you to identify the underlying cause of your symptoms. Then, we’ll develop an individualized treatment plan to meet your specific needs.

Whether it’s lifestyle changes, medication, or therapy, our specialists are here to help you get the sleep you need to live a healthier, happier life. Contact us today at (877) 881-2689 or reach out online to schedule an appointment and get started on your journey to better sleep.

Call Our Toll-Free Hotline 24/7 at 877.881.2689