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Apex Recovery Blog

What Are the Lasting Benefits of Drug and Alcohol Counseling? Things to Know

a therapist comforts someone in treatment

Between 2019 and 2020, more than 50 million people in the United States experienced a mental illness. Over 12 million Americans have seriously contemplated suicide.

Unfortunately, people who have mental illness turn to self-medication as a way to cope. Fortunately, many can turn to drug and alcohol counseling as a way to recover. This can benefit your addiction recovery journey when you find a good counselor who will work with you.

So, if you’re considering drug and alcohol counseling but are unsure how much it can help, keep reading. Here are five ways it can aid your long-term sobriety.

1. Coping Methods

One of the first long-term benefits of regular drug and alcohol counseling is learning new coping mechanisms. One of the reasons addicts turn to drugs and alcohol is to self-medicate. This self-medication is because they can’t cope with certain aspects of life.

An addict learns destructive coping mechanisms during active addiction, and substance abuse counseling can help teach new coping strategies that can help prevent relapse in the future.

2. Recovery Support

Many addicts have been ostracised by friends and family and can feel very alone in their recovery. This can make long-term sobriety challenging, which heightens the risk of relapse.

Regular drug and alcohol counseling can offer continued support throughout the client-counselor relationship. A counselor who connects with you will have your best interests at heart, which can immensely help your recovery.

3. Repairing Relationships

Addicts who are desperate for substances will do almost everything to get them. For this reason, many addicts learn how to manipulate people they know. An addict who is short on money is also highly likely to steal from anyone, including loved ones.

Working with a counselor, people battling drug and alcohol abuse can learn how to repair their fractured relationships. These restored relationships can help a recovering addict’s long-term sobriety.

4. Relapse Prevention

Another significant benefit you gain from seeing a drug and alcohol counselor is creating a relapse prevention strategy. Knowing your triggers and what to do in a moment of weakness can go a long way to helping you make better choices regarding sobriety. A counselor will work closely with you to create a relapse prevention plan that you can implement daily.

5. Rewire Your Brain Positively

Addicts who have been at rock bottom for a while can have a skewed outlook on life. Often this outlook predates the addiction itself, and substance abuse is a way of dealing with that negative outlook.

Working closely with a good counselor can rewire your brain and help you gain a new perspective on life. When you see a positive future, you’re more likely to stick to your recovery program for long-term success.

Get the Best Drug and Alcohol Counseling Today

If you’re finding yourself turning to drug abuse to cope with life, then seeking regular counseling can help with your journey to recovery. Often it’s challenging to take the first step if you don’t know if there are any guaranteed rewards. Nothing in life is guaranteed, but these five benefits of drug and alcohol counseling are worth trying for.

We’re here to help; contact us today if you’re looking for therapy programs and counselors. We have experts waiting to assist you in your recovery.