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PTSD Treatment

Two people in a PTSD treatment programPTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is the result of a deeply threatening event or prolonged exposure to unsafe, violent events or circumstances. Lack of control, lack of safety, pain, fear, and grave loss are some of the elements of life experiences that can result in PTSD. Normal life is difficult for those with PTSD, and substance abuse and addiction are all too common among this population. Many rehab facilities offer an evidence-based PTSD treatment program that also addresses the co-occurring disorder through co-occurring disorders treatment.

For information about PTSD treatment in Tennessee, contact Apex Recovery. We can answer all your questions about PTSD, addiction, PTSD therapy programs, and dual diagnosis treatments. Call (877) 881-2689 or fill out our online form to learn more.

PTSD and Addiction

The symptoms of PTSD are many, and not everyone with this diagnosis experiences all the same things. Regardless, living with PTSD is extremely challenging. Some common signs that you have PTSD:

  • Flashbacks – They can happen at any time and plunge the sufferer back to a moment when physical or psychological survival was in doubt. Flashbacks re-traumatize, making healing difficult.
  • Insomnia – Sleep is a privilege of the peaceful. PTSD, a form of anxiety, means sufferers live as if they are in a state of danger and insecurity even after they are safe. Insomnia and sleep deprivation make flashbacks and other symptoms more likely.
  • Low self-esteem – People with PTSD feel out of control and often berate themselves for being unable to “be normal.” Their sense of powerlessness leads to low self-esteem and hopelessness.
  • Isolation – Those with PTSD often cannot forge attachments. Close bonds with others involve trust, which is extremely difficult for people living with PTSD.
  • Anger – It is normal for people with PTSD to feel rage at the perpetrators of violence or abuse, circumstances in general, and life or God for being unfair. Other emotions close to the surface can erupt suddenly, making PTSD sufferers feel even more out of control.

These symptoms can be very difficult to live with. The use of substances to dull these feelings, silence the flashbacks, and make connecting with others easier is understandable and common, but dangerous. Alcohol or drugs merely mask symptoms. They don’t address them. Addiction often goes hand in hand with PTSD.

Trauma Treatment

Those who have PTSD often cannot imagine life another way. The events that create this disorder change a person’s brain chemistry and emotional makeup.

But PTSD can be treated effectively and successfully. Psychotherapies of different types have had proven results. Medication can help too. And when addiction co-occurs with PTSD, a coordinated therapeutic approach to both conditions simultaneously is the best option.

Here are just a few of the evidence-based treatments for PTSD, as well as a dual diagnosis of PTSD and addiction, offered at Apex Recovery San Diego:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing)
  • Family-based therapy
  • Biofeedback therapy
  • Holistic therapies, including meditation and yoga

PTSD Treatment in Tennessee

If you live in the Tennessee area and are done feeling controlled by past trauma, tired of masking pain and fear with substances, and ready to begin a new journey of wellness, look no further than Apex Recovery. Here, a life of sobriety and mental health is within your reach.

We offer compassionate, confidential, evidence-based care that starts with medically supervised detox and continues past discharge with a whole range of after-care programs. Start on the path to health and peace of mind now by reaching out to us. Our knowledgeable staff is ready to answer questions about our PTSD treatment program as well as make the process of getting started as easy and stress-free as possible. Call this number to speak to us—(877) 881-2689—or complete our online form, and we will promptly get back to you.

Call Our Toll-Free Hotline 24/7 at 877.881.2689