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Social Anxiety Therapy Program

As with all of our inpatient programs, our dual-diagnosis social anxiety program is an integrative plan that addresses the underlying causes of mental health illness. We provide 24-hour care while we treat a patient’s hormones to deal with anxiety symptoms. In combination with addiction detoxification, we monitor each patient on an ongoing basis to introduce the right therapies and minimize withdrawal symptoms or panic attacks. Do you need to learn more about Apex Recovery’s anxiety treatment program? Call us today at (877) 881-2689.

What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?

A man in a social anxiety therapy programMost of us experience social anxiety once or several times in our lives. However, a social anxiety disorder or social phobia hugely influences the sufferer’s daily life. These individuals feel overwhelmed by particular activities, such as talking in front of a crowd or with strangers, or just about any situation that involves social interaction, such as eating in a restaurant. They typically know their fears and negative thoughts are irrational. However, their logic gets overridden by the anticipated and dreaded feeling of embarrassment.

This disorder shows the first signs in early teens and some studies say that up to 13% of the American population suffers from social anxiety symptoms. Science assumes that multiple predisposing factors are at play, including:

  • Genetics
  • Family environment
  • Trauma in early childhood
  • An imbalance in brain chemistry

Some research has found that one-fifth of individuals with social phobia have a co-occurring alcohol use disorder (AUD). It is assumed that this is mostly because the sufferers expect alcohol to help them relieve the effects of their phobia, even though scientific studies show that alcohol actually aggravates the symptoms of anxiety.

What Is a Social Anxiety Treatment Program?

A social anxiety treatment program is a comprehensive approach to treating the symptoms of social anxiety. It typically involves psychotherapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and support groups. Treatment can help people understand their anxieties and learn techniques for managing them in everyday settings.

With proper treatment, many people with social anxiety disorder can lead everyday lives that are free from fear or anxiety. Treatment goals may include improving self-esteem and communication skills, reducing physical symptoms of anxiety, and learning strategies to manage stress. With the right support, people with social anxiety disorder can make progress in their recovery.

Treatment Options

An inpatient program for those dually diagnosed with social phobia is advised because these individuals don’t often have a good support network. Their phobia might come from a dysfunctional family environment, which could also be the source of early trauma, and they don’t tend to have many or any friends.

When addicted individuals with social phobia are seeking professional help from drug rehab centers in Tennessee, they should make sure the center has the right professionals and facilities to accommodate the rehabilitation. Apex Recovery Tennessee has a world-class team of professionals in medicine, psychology, psychiatry, wellness, nutrition, holistic healing, and recreation. Our entire team personalizes and carefully plans every social anxiety recovery plan.

Our physician decides on the pharmacotherapy. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are very helpful with social anxiety disorder. Our team of psychotherapists will decide on the best course in counseling –forms of cognitive-behavioral therapy have given the best results. Through cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), patients can learn how to think, behave and react in anxiety-provoking situations so that they can control their negative thoughts based on fear to reduce stress and anxiety. Restructuring, exposure, and skills training make this possible. Our professionals from other fields support the patients by offering ways of learning how to relax.

Social Anxiety Treatment in Tennessee at Apex Recovery

The therapy for dually diagnosed patients must address both disorders—social phobia and alcohol/drug abuse. Treating only one side of the coin is highly unlikely to produce long-lasting and rewarding results. Apex Recovery Tennessee prides itself on a staff trained to treat dual diagnosis patients with excellent results. Call us today at (877) 881-2689 or reach out online to get started on your path to recovery.

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