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Prescription Drug Detox Program

A woman comforts a man in a prescription drug detox programThe certified, licensed therapists at Apex Recovery are highly trained in all detox therapies, including prescription drug detox. If you’re currently dependent upon medications such as Vicodin, Oxycontin, and Oxycodone, you’re not alone.

Even prescription drugs can cause widespread addiction, and patients frequently need a medically supervised detoxification program to overcome their dependence on these controlled substances. Our drug detox center customizes treatment for each patient. Also, our caring, attentive staff work with patients to ensure a safe, comfortable environment for detox.

Why Do People Develop an Addiction to Prescription Drugs?

Prescription drug addiction can happen to almost anyone, regardless of age, race, or socioeconomic background. People become addicted to drugs for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Mental illness – Individuals who suffer from depression or anxiety may find relief from prescription medications and develop an addiction to them over time.
  • Self-medication – Some people try to deal with stress or emotional issues by using drugs.
  • Accessibility – Prescription medications are readily available, making them easier to obtain than illicit substances.
  • Genetics – A person’s genetic makeup can make them more vulnerable to addiction.

Prescription drugs that people develop an addiction to are painkillers called opioids. We’re talking about narcotic pain medication that is prescribed for moderate to strong pain. They bind to opioid receptors and intercept the messages of pain the body is sending to these receptors. As a result, the patient feels minimal or no pain.

What Is a Prescription Drug Detox Program?

Prescription drug addiction is a chronic medical condition, induced by prolonged use of opioids. Moreover, these drugs cause changes in the brain, especially in individuals who have a predisposition for addiction.

People addicted to prescription drugs usually toy with the idea of quitting every day—every time they delay taking the drug. However, giving up prescription drugs is very difficult and addicted individuals are generally put off by the overwhelming feelings of discomfort that start immediately. The longer and the more serious the abuse, the more changes happen in the whole body, making the withdrawal effects that much more intense.

The detox is best conducted with medical supervision because the body may react unpredictably and abruptly. Without professional support, the unease may become so unbearable for patients that they relapse in the middle of the detox attempt.

As with every withdrawal, symptoms will depend on a variety of factors. That is another reason why the presence of a supervising physician is crucial—because only a qualified healthcare professional will know how to handle the symptoms to ease the discomfort and control the process in accordance with the patient’s unique case.

Signs and Symptoms of Withdrawal

The range of symptoms includes:

  • Drug craving
  • Aching body
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive yawning
  • Dilated pupils
  • Goosebumps
  • Agitation
  • Severe irritability

The time period for the symptoms to fade is highly individual, they can take hours, days, or weeks. Of course, this depends on the type and severity of the patient’s addiction. It often happens that addicted individuals mix prescription drugs with alcohol and/or other drugs, which complicates the situation.

Successful detox is the first and necessary step in the prescription drug addiction treatment process. In fact, the best results are achieved when the patient is supported by knowledgeable and caring professionals who have the expertise and experience to guide the patient safely through this stage. This is the case at Apex Recovery San Diego.

Prescription Drug Detox in Tennessee

At Apex Recovery, we understand the challenges of overcoming a prescription drug addiction. Moreover, our highly trained and experienced staff are committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment for our patients as they go through detox. We also offer individualized treatment plans that are customized to meet the needs of each patient.

Ready to put addiction behind you? If so, contact us today at (877) 881-2689 to learn more about our prescription drug detox programs and to get the help you need.

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