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Apex Recovery Tennessee: A Tennessee Join-Commission Accredited Facility

the joint commission national quality approval seal

apex rehab joint commission san diegoApex Rehab is located in Columbia, TN. Apex recently received accreditation for behavioral health from the Joint Commission, which is “America’s oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting body in health care,” according to their websiteThis article will explain why this is so important. Behavioral health is a complicated term. Preferred nowadays to the term ‘mental health,’ it’s the science of emotion, behavior and mental health all in one. According to Psychology Today, “Behavioral health includes not only ways of promoting well-being by preventing or intervening in mental illness such as depression or anxiety, but also has as an aim preventing or intervening in substance abuse or other addictions.” In the world of substance addiction recovery, this is a goldmine, because literally about half of American drug addicts and/or alcoholics also suffer from some type of mental disorder. It’s become no secret to the healthcare industry that substance abuse and mental disorders are linked. So, in a way, a rehabilitation facility that offers behavioral health therapy is offering help for a dual diagnosis. This is a critical component for a rehab facility to have during today’s times, when heroin and prescription pills and alcohol are ravaging our nation. The current drug epidemic knows no borders, and every state in the US is suffering horribly.

Why Behavioral Health Rehabilitation is a Must for Addicts

Addiction is not an easy thing to treat. It’s nothing that can be fixed with an antibiotic or some good exercise, (although the latter may help a little). According to CRC Health Group, “Because addiction has so many dimensions and disrupts so many aspects of an individual’s life, treatment for this illness is never simple. Drug rehabs must help the individual stop using drugs and maintain a drug-free lifestyle, while achieving productive functioning in the family, at work, and in society.” So, obviously the main goal is to stop use of the drug or of alcohol altogether. However, rehab does much more than that. The quote from CRC Health goes on to say, “Effective drug abuse and drug rehab treatment programs typically incorporate many components, each directed to a particular aspect of the illness and its consequences.” It’s not only about sobriety. Rehabilitation will also:

  • Remove you from the stresses of your everyday life
  • Provide therapy for all stressful aspects
  • Medicate you as necessary to ensure a safe process
  • Offer outdoor activities and extracurriculars
  • Improve living habits
  • Possibly create bonds that are lifelong

Why Apex Rehab should be the Number One Choice

As mentioned, Apex Recovery is a Joint-Commission accredited rehab facility. This is a huge deal. Since 1972, the Joint Commission has been issuing accreditation to behavior health rehabs, and approximately 2,500 organizations are accredited as of today. It’s the single most stringent accreditation organization in the country. You don’t just pay for it and get it. Accreditation from the Joint Commission “concentrates on operational systems critical to the safety and quality of care, treatment or services provided to the individual,” as per their website. The requirements for qualification are developed by a team consisting of health care experts, health care providers, measurement experts, and also people who have been in rehabilitation. This ensures a well-rounded point of view. Now, consider this. Apex Rehab not only met the stringent requirements for accreditation; it exceeded the requirements and was given behavioral health home certification. According to the Joint Commission: “Behavioral Health Home Certification is an optional certification to recognize organizations that coordinate and integrate all health care needs of a population served. The optional certification goes above and beyond what is required for accreditation and provides additional recognition as a health home.”

Better than the Rest

There are two main reasons Joint Commission accreditation makes Apex Recovery one of the best rehabs in TN. The facility is so top-notch that it was accredited in the first place. Second is the benefit of having accreditation from the Joint Commission. Patient safety is strengthened, risk management is improved, surveyors are on-hand for expert advice and/or education, and much more. For a complete list of Joint Commission accreditation benefits, click here. With a stay at Apex Rehab, you can expect:

  • Reduced Drug Use
  • Improved Mental Health
  • Improved Overall Health
  • Healthier Relationships
  • Better Employment Opportunities
  • A safe, secure, professional environment

Of course, there is never a guarantee that rehabilitation will work for every single person every single time. The fact is that when it comes to inpatient treatment, 73% of those who enter a program complete the program, and 21% of those who enter a program remain sober for at least the next five years. Before you go thinking that these numbers are not exactly favorable, consider this… Among those who enter into a treatment program for Type I Diabetes, about 40% experience a relapse of symptoms. For asthma, the number is as high as 70%. Addiction, like diabetes or asthma, is a disease, so one can take comfort in knowing that the relapse rates for substance addicts are similar to those of other common diseases. Again, to quote CRC Health, because they are the nation’s leading provider of treatment and educational programs: “Three decades of scientific research and clinical practice have yielded a variety of effective approaches to drug addiction treatment. Extensive data document that drug addiction treatment is as effective as are treatments for most other similarly chronic medical conditions.”

In Conclusion

So there you have it. Rehab works, it’s a necessity, not nearly enough who need it actually go, and Apex Rehab may just be one of the best rehabs in TN. Apex Recovery offers detoxification services, residential treatment, partial hospitalization, inpatient rehab & outpatient rehab – all of which are accredited by the Joint Commission. You’d be a fool to go anywhere else, really, so contact them today.