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7 Early Signs of Alcoholism

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Did you know that excessive alcohol use kills 261 Americans every day? Alcoholism is a scourge that has ruined lives and destroyed families. However, the early signs of alcoholism may not be so apparent.

Do you have a loved one you think might be struggling with alcoholism? It can be difficult to know for sure, but there are some signs of alcoholism that you can look out for. That way, you can take them to a Tennessee alcohol rehabilitation center to get them the help they need.

This blog post will discuss seven of the most common signs of alcoholism. If you see these signs in someone you love, it’s important to get them help right away before it’s too late.

1. Drinking Excessive Alcohol or Drinking More Often than Usual

One of the most common early signs of alcoholism is drinking more alcohol than usual or drinking more often. This may be a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, depression, or a way to self-medicate.

If you notice that someone you know is drinking more frequently or in greater quantities than before, it could be a sign that they are struggling with alcoholism.

2. A Lack of Interest in Hobbies and Activities

Another early sign of alcoholism is losing interest in activities that used to bring you joy.

If you notice that someone you know has stopped participating in activities they once enjoyed, it may be because they are drinking instead. Alcoholism can take over someone’s life and cause them to lose interest in things they once cared about.

However, this only counts if the loss of interest is accompanied by heavy drinking. Alcohol dependence can “hi-jack” endorphins and dopamine levels. When it does, the only thing that excites you will be alcohol and not the things you used to enjoy.

3. Increased Alcohol Tolerance

If you find that you need to drink more alcohol than you used to feel drunk, it may be a sign that you are developing a tolerance.

Tolerance is one of the early signs of alcoholism because it indicates that your body is becoming accustomed to the presence of alcohol. As tolerance increases, so does the risk of developing an addiction or diseases like liver cirrhosis.

If that’s the case, you might want to seek treatment ASAP before the issue spirals into a full-blown addiction.

4. Strong Alcohol Cravings

If you find yourself thinking about alcohol all the time or feeling strong cravings for it, this could be a sign that you are developing an addiction.

Cravings are one of the early signs of alcoholism because they indicate that your body is becoming dependent on alcohol. Alcohol shouldn’t be the first thing you think about in the morning or afternoon.

5. Prioritizing Drinking Over Other Responsibilities

Prioritizing drinking over other responsibilities is an overt sign that alcohol is taking over your life.

Neglecting responsibilities like work and school for late-night drinking will put your life in turmoil. It also means that you’re getting closer and closer to becoming an alcoholic.

6. Withdrawal Symptoms Become the Norm

If you’re waking up with a hangover three days in a row, you’re on the road to becoming an alcoholic.

Withdrawal symptoms like headaches, nausea, and vomiting are a sign that your body is becoming dependent on alcohol. If you find yourself experiencing these symptoms frequently, it’s time to seek help.

While they may seem minor, these symptoms have the potential to render you completely ineffective. You can’t work or do any serious studying with an excruciating headache or when nauseous.

7. Severe Mood Swings and Irritability

If you find yourself experiencing severe mood swings and irritability, it could be a sign that you’re struggling with alcoholism. Alcoholism can cause changes in your brain chemistry that lead to mood swings and irritability.

If someone close to you is displaying these symptoms, it’s important to have a conversation with them about their drinking.

Should I Seek Treatment for My Alcohol Problem?

Most people are disinclined to sign up for rehab for their alcohol disorder. However, most Tennessee alcohol rehabilitation centers have solid track records for treating alcoholism.

Here are a few reasons why you should seek alcoholism treatment.

Provides a Conducive Environment

The environment plays a big role in the success of treatment. When you’re in an environment that’s conducive to treatment, you’re more likely to succeed.

That’s what rehabilitation centers in Tennessee offer: a safe and supportive environment where you can focus on getting better.

Provides Peer Support

One of the best things about rehabilitation centers is that they provide peer support. When you’re struggling with alcoholism, it’s helpful to be around people who understand what you’re going through.

At a rehabilitation center, you’ll be surrounded by people in the same boat as you who can offer support and understanding.

Offers Coping Strategies to Prevent Relapse

One of the biggest concerns for people in recovery is relapse. Fortunately, rehabilitation centers offer coping strategies to help prevent relapse.

At San Diego Alcohol Rehab, we offer several coping strategies to help our clients stay on track.

Visit a Tennessee Alcohol Rehabilitation Center Today

If you or someone you know is displaying any of the above signs, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible. Alcoholism is a serious disorder that can have devastating consequences. However, it is possible to recover and live a happy and healthy life with treatment.

Visit a Tennessee alcohol rehabilitation center that offers comprehensive treatment programs that include detox, individual therapy, group therapy, and aftercare planning.

Contact us today to learn more about our treatment program or schedule a free consultation.

Call Our Toll-Free Hotline 24/7 at 877.881.2689