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Can Exercise Help with Addiction Recovery?

A man who understands the connection between exercise and addiction recovery

Exercise is proven to have many positive effects on health, but, when exercise is added to traditional addiction recovery methods, the positive effects can be far-reaching. Now is the time to learn how this alternative addiction treatment helps with addiction recovery.

Do you need to learn more about addiction therapy programs? If so, call us today at (877) 881-2689.

Why Does Exercise Help With Addiction Recovery?

Exercise promotes the release of endorphins, which can reduce cravings for drugs and alcohol. It also boosts energy levels and helps to improve sleep quality, both of which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. A regular exercise routine also contributes to a sense of accomplishment and helps to build self-esteem, which are essential aspects of addiction recovery. Lastly, exercise can provide a distraction from thoughts and feelings that may lead to relapse. In short, incorporating regular physical activity into your recovery plan can provide many positive benefits that will help you stay sober.

It’s important to start slowly and focus on activities that you enjoy. Choose something that is challenging but not too taxing, like walking, yoga, or swimming. As you become more comfortable with your routine, gradually add more intense activities such as cycling or running. Finding a physical activity that fits your lifestyle and preferences is important for making sure it becomes part of your regular routine.

Creating an exercise plan and sticking to it can be a powerful tool for managing the triggers and cravings that can lead to relapse. With the right support and a commitment to healthy lifestyle habits, you can successfully use exercise to help with your recovery from addiction.

Emotional Benefits of Exercise During Addiction Recovery

Exercise can be a powerful tool for managing stress and improving mood. Regular physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural brain chemicals that act as a “feel good” neurotransmitter. The release of these hormones triggers positive feelings, sparks creativity, and reduces anxiety. Additionally, exercise can help to increase self-esteem by providing a sense of accomplishment and improving body image. All of these emotional benefits can be critical components to addiction recovery.

Exercise also provides an outlet for anger, frustration, and other negative emotions that may arise during recovery. Finding healthy ways to express these feelings can help prevent relapse and make it easier to manage difficult times. The focus on physical activity can also provide distractions from cravings and other triggers. When combined, the emotional benefits of exercise can have a powerful positive impact on addiction recovery.

Physical Benefits of Exercise During Addiction Recovery

In addition to the emotional benefits of exercise, there are also physical benefits that can help with addiction recovery. Exercise helps to reduce cortisol levels in the body, which is essential for managing stress and anxiety. It also boosts energy levels and improves sleep quality, both of which can be beneficial for coping with cravings. Regular physical activity may also help reduce withdrawal symptoms, such as fatigue and difficulty concentrating. The combination of these physical benefits can help make it easier to stay on track with your recovery journey.

Get the Help You Need to Stay Strong in Recovery

Overall, exercise is a powerful tool for making positive changes in your life during addiction recovery. It can help to manage cravings, improve mood, boost energy levels, and provide an outlet for difficult emotions. Incorporating regular physical activity into your recovery plan can be a great way to stay healthy and on track with your goals.

Apex Recovery gives all inpatient clients a gym membership during their stay. We also offer both traditional and alternative addiction recovery therapies to benefit mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Begin today by calling (877) 881-2689.

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