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Apex Recovery Blog

How Group Therapy Supports Outpatient Rehab Efforts

A group of people enjoying the benefits of group therapy

Did you know that alcohol and substance abuse is responsible for around 20% of all deaths around the world each year? The long-term use of alcohol and drugs can have devastating effects on your physical, mental, and emotional health. It can also lead to serious problems in relationships. As so many people have discovered, professional help is often necessary to recovery from alcohol and substance abuse.

Trying to recover all on your own from addiction is difficult. For many people, it’s virtually impossible. Fortunately, there are many tools available in outpatient addiction treatment to help you achieve a successful and long-term recovery. One of the most effective of these tools is group therapy. The benefits of group therapy are just one way addiction treatment can help you beat addiction.

Would you like to learn more about a group therapy program? Call us today at (877) 881-2689.

6 Benefits of Group Counseling

Have you been wondering, “Should I attend group therapy during outpatient rehab?” If so, it’s time to learn more about the many benefits of attending group therapy:

1. Group Therapy Is a Safe Space to Share

Support groups have always been a safe haven for people who are going through hard times. Even if you’re fortunate enough to have an empathetic support network in your everyday life, sometimes it feels like no one can truly understand your struggles unless they’re going through it as well.

Group therapy is led by compassionate and knowledgeable mental health professionals who strive to create a judgment-free zone. You don’t need to feel afraid to speak your truth.

2. Group Therapy Sessions Help You Feel Less Alone

Battling an addiction is hard for so many people because they feel like they’re on their own. When you’re around others who are fighting, you can feel empowered by their strength as well.

When you want to give up, your community will lift you up and remind you how brave and capable you are.

3. You’ll Learn Great Tips for Addiction Recovery

The key to staying in control of your health is to fight your addiction on all fronts. Group therapy will give you access to a bunch of powerful mental health tips that you can implement.

From understanding your triggers to learning communication skills and avoiding temptations, you can leave each session feeling unstoppable.

4. Outpatient Rehab Can Nurture Other Aspects of Your Mental Health

Addiction tends to go hand in hand with a wide variety of other mental health issues. Group therapy can help you get to the root of your addiction and treat any underlying causes.

For example, if you have undiagnosed PTSD, you may have turned to drugs or alcohol to escape your symptoms.

5. You Can Maintain Hope for a Bright Future

One of the greatest aspects of attending group therapy sessions is watching others around you succeed. This is even sweeter when you know how much they’ve struggled to get there as well.

If other people can take control of their addiction, then so can you.

6. You Can Make Lasting Friendships

Finally, attending group therapy sessions is a great way to make friends. This isn’t just about having someone who makes you laugh. It’s also about having someone there for the hard times too. At all times, it’s about someone who understands your struggles in a way that few others can.

Are You Interested in Group Therapy for Drug Abuse?

Sober living is possible if you have access to all of the tools you need to thrive. Now that you know more about the incredible benefits of attending group therapy sessions, you can start looking into the best mental health services in your area.

At Apex Recovery San Diego, we offer a full range of addiction recovery services, including intensive outpatient rehab and mental health counseling. If you’d like to learn more about our programs, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

We understand how difficult it is to overcome an addiction alone. Therefore, we offer comprehensive mental health services, such as group therapy, to help you succeed in your journey toward recovery.

Would you like to learn more about group therapy opportunities during addiction treatment? Call Apex Recovery today at (877) 881-2689 or contact us online to learn more about how we can help.

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