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Rehabilitation Treatment Centers Pregnant Women and Mothers in Tennessee

Apex Recovery, located in Tennessee, offers specialized rehab programs tailored for pregnant women and new mothers. Our services focus on providing comprehensive care to ensure the health and well-being of both the mother and child during recovery. Apex Addiction Recovery Center’s compassionate approach addresses these patients’ unique challenges, inspiring a successful rehabilitation journey.

Apex Addiction Recovery Center in Tennessee offers same-day assessments and will check your insurance for fast, immediate admissions. This streamlined process ensures that you can quickly access the care you need, reducing wait times and starting the recovery journey without delay.

Pregnant woman in an orange shirt holding her growing belly

What is a Rehabilitation Treatment Facility?

A rehabilitation treatment facility is a specialized healthcare center designed to help people recover from substance abuse or mental health disorders. These facilities offer a structured environment where patients receive comprehensive care fit to their specific needs. Services typically include medical detoxification, individual and group therapy, counseling, and support for co-occurring disorders.

Rehabilitation centers often provide additional support such as life skills training, relapse prevention strategies, and aftercare planning. The goal of a rehabilitation treatment facility is to equip clients with the tools and resources necessary for long-term recovery, helping them reintegrate into society and lead healthier, more productive lives.

Can a Pregnant Woman Go Into Rehab Treatment?

Yes, a pregnant woman can go into rehab treatment, and it is often crucial for her health and the baby’s well-being. Some rehab centers offer specialized programs for the distinct needs of pregnant women. These programs provide comprehensive care, including medical supervision to ensure safe detoxification, prenatal care to monitor the baby’s development, and counseling for emotional and psychological needs.

Additionally, these programs often include education on childbirth and parenting, nutritional and breastfeeding support, and strategies to manage stress. By addressing both addiction and pregnancy-related health concerns, these specialized programs aim to ensure a healthier outcome for both the mother and the child.

Can a Mother and Child Go Into Rehab Together?

Yes, a mother and child can go into rehab together, and some rehab centers offer specialized programs to accommodate this need. These programs are designed to support the mother’s recovery while ensuring the child’s well-being. They provide a safe, nurturing environment where mothers can receive treatment for substance abuse or maternal mental health issues while also caring for their children.

Services typically include individual and group therapy, parenting classes, childcare, and support for bonding and attachment. By addressing the needs of both the mother and child, these specialized programs aim to promote family stability, improve parenting skills, and foster a healthy, supportive recovery environment.

Statistics on Rehab Treatment Among Pregnant Women and New Mothers

Between 2017 and 2020, drug overdose deaths among pregnant and postpartum individuals surged by 81%. Mental health conditions, including substance use disorders (SUDs), contributed to 23% of deaths during or after pregnancy. Accessing quality addiction treatment, particularly in rural areas, remains challenging. Shockingly, callers in 10 states were 17% less likely to secure an appointment if they disclosed pregnancy.

Over half of foster care placements stem from parental substance use. The incidence of NAS (neonatal abstinence syndrome) has skyrocketed, with opioid-dependent babies experiencing withdrawal in the womb. Buprenorphine emerges as a promising treatment, reducing NAS incidence by 10% and mitigating its severity. OUD medications increase the likelihood of full-term births and decrease the risk of relapse and death for pregnant and postpartum women, offering hope for safer and healthier outcomes.

Free Addiction Assessment

Schedule a free, confidential assessment with a licensed clinician. Apex Recovery can check your insurance coverage levels for drug and alcohol addiction, and mental health treatment.

What is Prenatal Care?

Prenatal care is a series of regular medical check-ups and health assessments provided to a pregnant woman throughout her pregnancy. This care is crucial for monitoring the health and development of both the mother and the fetus. Prenatal visits typically include physical exams, blood tests, ultrasounds, and screenings for potential pregnancy complications.

Healthcare providers also offer guidance on pregnancy nutrition, pregnancy exercise, and lifestyle choices to promote a healthy pregnancy. By identifying and addressing any issues early, prenatal care helps to prevent complications, ensure the baby’s growth and development are on track, and readies the mother for childbirth preparation. Regular antenatal care significantly improves the chances of a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

Why is Maternal Well-Being Important?

Maternal well-being is crucial because it directly affects both the mother’s health and the baby’s development. A healthy mother is better equipped to provide the necessary care and nutrition, vital for the baby’s growth, both before and after birth. Good maternal health reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and preterm labor.

It also supports the mother’s mental and emotional health, reducing the likelihood of postpartum depression and anxiety. Overall, prioritizing maternal well-being fosters a positive environment for the child’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development, laying a strong foundation for their future health and well-being.

Pregnant woman in a field holding her growing belly

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Rehab Centers for Pregnant Women and Mothers in Tennessee

In Tennessee, Apex Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery Center offers specialized rehab programs for pregnant women and mothers. With multiple facilities in the Volunteer State, including:

Apex Recovery Franklin
4601 Carothers Pkwy STE 250A
Franklin, TN 37067

Apex Recovery Columbia
2710 Trotwood Ave STE A & B
Columbia, TN 38401

How to Find Inpatient Rehab Facilities for Pregnant Women and Mothers Near Nashville, TN

When seeking inpatient rehab facilities for pregnant women and mothers near Nashville, TN, (aka Music City), thorough research is essential. Consider these steps:

  • Utilize Online Resources: Conduct searches using terms like “inpatient rehab facilities for pregnant women and mothers near Nashville, TN,” “rehab for pregnant mothers near me,” drug rehab for pregnant mothers near me,” or “mother and child rehab center near me” on search engines and check directories such as SAMHSA’s Treatment Locator.
  • Consult Local Health Services: Contact Nashville’s health departments and hospitals, including major institutions like Vanderbilt University Medical Center, for recommendations and referrals.
  • Engage with Specialized Organizations: Reach out to organizations like the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) or the American Pregnancy Association. Additionally, utilize helplines like the Tennessee REDLINE (1-800-889-9789).
  • Explore Community Resources: Investigate local community health centers and non-profits like Renewal House, focusing on addiction treatment for mothers in Nashville.
  • Verify Insurance Coverage: Contact your health insurance provider to obtain a list of covered inpatient rehab facilities specializing in pregnant women and mothers to ensure network coverage.
  • Seek Recommendations: Tap into word-of-mouth referrals from local support groups and engage with online forums and social media communities dedicated to maternal health and addiction recovery.
Downtown Nashville Tennessee

What To Consider When Entering Rehab During Pregnancy

When entering rehab during pregnancy, ensure the facility offers specialized care with experienced medical staff and evidence-based treatments. The environment should be safe and supportive, with essential nutritional and mental health services. Programs should include family and social support. Finally, check your insurance coverage and financial options to ensure the program is affordable and accessible.

Specialized Care

Specialized care in rehab for pregnant women involves personalized programs addressing both substance use and prenatal health. These programs ensure comprehensive treatment, focusing on the unique medical and emotional needs of pregnant women. By integrating prenatal care with addiction treatment, specialized care for pregnancy discomforts promotes the health and well-being of both the mother and the developing baby.

Medical Staff

Rehab facilities for pregnant women should have experienced medical staff capable of managing both addiction and prenatal care. This includes doctors, nurses, and specialists in obstetrics and addiction medicine. Their expertise ensures comprehensive monitoring and treatment, addressing the unique health needs of both mother and baby throughout the recovery process, promoting a safe and healthy pregnancy.

Treatment Approach

The treatment approach in rehab for pregnant women should be evidence-based and tailored to their specific needs. It combines addiction treatment with prenatal care, including detoxification, counseling, and therapy. Emphasis is placed on methods that are safe for pregnancy, ensuring both mother and baby’s health. This comprehensive approach supports a successful recovery and a healthy pregnancy.

Safety and Environment

Rehab facilities for pregnant women must provide a safe and supportive environment. This includes secure, comfortable accommodations and a nurturing atmosphere conducive to recovery. Facilities should have strict safety protocols and a staff trained in both addiction and prenatal care. Such an environment ensures the well-being of both mother and baby throughout the treatment process.

Nutritional Support

Rehab facilities for pregnant women should offer comprehensive nutritional support, crucial for the health of both mother and baby. This includes balanced meal planning, dietary counseling, and supplements if needed. Proper nutrition aids in recovery and ensures optimal fetal development. Facilities should have dietitians or nutritionists to tailor meal plans to individual health requirements.

Mental Health Services

In rehab for pregnant women, access to mental health services is crucial for handling co-occurring disorders like depression or anxiety. Therapists and counselors provide support and coping strategies fit to the unique challenges of pregnancy and addiction. These services promote emotional well-being, enhance recovery outcomes, and prepare women for the responsibilities of motherhood.

Family and Social Support

Family and social support are integral components of rehab for pregnant women, fostering a supportive environment for recovery. Programs should involve loved ones in therapy sessions and provide resources for family counseling and education. Peer support groups and community networks offer additional encouragement and understanding, helping women navigate the challenges of addiction recovery and prepare for motherhood.

Insurance and Financial Considerations

Considering insurance and financial factors is essential when seeking rehab for pregnant women. Verify coverage for addiction treatment and prenatal care, including any out-of-pocket expenses. Understand network restrictions and find facilities within your insurance network. Explore financial assistance options if needed, ensuring affordability and accessibility of the chosen rehab program for comprehensive care during pregnancy.

a couple looks hopefully toward a therapist

Does Insurance Cover Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Pregnant Women or New Moms?

Yes, insurance often covers drug and alcohol rehab for pregnant women or new mothers. Most health insurance plans, including those through employers and programs like Medicaid, provide coverage for substance use disorder treatment. The ACA requires that substance use disorder services be included as vital health benefits.

This means that treatments, such as detoxification, counseling, and inpatient rehab, are typically covered. However, coverage specifics, such as the extent of coverage and any out-of-pocket expenses, can vary by plan. It is crucial for you to call (877) 881-2689 or contact us at Apex Substance Addiction Recovery Center to understand your specific benefits, so you receive the necessary postpartum care without undue financial burden. We can also check your insurance to get you on the path to recovery.

Does Insurance Cover Mental Health Disorder Treatment for Pregnant Women or New Moms?

Insurance often covers mental health disorder treatment for pregnant women or new mothers. Most health insurance plans, including those provided by government programs like Medicaid, offer mental health coverage. The Affordable Care Act mandates that mental health and substance use disorder services are essential health benefits, which includes treatment for conditions like depression, anxiety, and postpartum depression.

However, coverage details can vary, so it is important for you to check with us at Apex Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Center to understand specific benefits, network restrictions, and any potential out-of-pocket costs. Ensuring access to mental health care is crucial for the well-being of both mother and child.

Sober Living for Pregnant Women and New Mothers

Sober living homes for pregnant women and new mothers provide a supportive environment conducive to recovery from substance use disorders. These residences offer a sober and structured living environment where women can receive support and guidance while navigating the trials of pregnancy and early motherhood. Programs often include counseling, parenting classes, and assistance with life skills development.

By fostering a community of mutual support and accountability, sober living homes empower women to maintain sobriety, prioritize their health and well-being, and build a foundation for a stable and healthy family life for themselves and their children.

Free Addiction Assessment

Schedule a free, confidential assessment with a licensed clinician. Apex Recovery can check your insurance coverage levels for drug and alcohol addiction, and mental health treatment.

Inpatient Treatment Admissions Process for Pregnant Women and Mothers

The inpatient treatment admissions process for pregnant women and mothers typically begins with an initial assessment to determine individual needs and eligibility. Once admitted, medical staff conduct thorough evaluations, including prenatal assessments. Treatment plans are then customized to address both addiction and prenatal care requirements.

Throughout the process, emphasis is placed on creating a safe and supportive environment conducive to recovery and maternal health. Ongoing monitoring ensures that both mother and baby receive appropriate care, with interventions adjusted as needed to accommodate the changing needs of pregnancy and addiction treatment, inspiring a successful recovery journey for both.

Get in Touch with Apex Substance Abuse Recovery Center Tennessee

If you or a loved one is seeking support for substance abuse recovery in Tennessee, reach out to Apex Substance Abuse Recovery Center. Contact us or call us at (877) 881-2689 today to learn more about our specialized programs tailored for pregnant women and mothers, and discover how we can provide the comprehensive care and support you need to thrive.

Nestled in the heart of Tennessee, our Apex Addiction Recovery Center locations offer convenient access for rehabs for pregnant mothers near me across the state, from the vibrant cities of Nashville, Memphis, Chattanooga, and Knoxville to the serene beauty of the Great Smoky Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Tennessee, from its iconic country music scene and landmarks like Elvis Presley’s Graceland and the Grand Ole Opry to its historic places such as Beale Street and Civil War history sites. With our centers situated near renowned institutions like the University of Tennessee and Vanderbilt University, as well as attractions like Dollywood and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, you can embark on your recovery journey surrounded by the warmth and charm of the Volunteer State.

Couple holding hands at sunset.

Statistics on Rehab Treatment Related to Pregnant Women and Mothers

  • Drug overdose deaths among pregnant and postpartum people increased by 81% between 2017 and 2020
  • Deaths related to mental health conditions, including substance use disorders (SUDs), account for 23% of deaths during pregnancy or in the year following it.
  • Quality addiction treatment is hard to obtain, especially in rural areas
  • Callers to addiction treatment providers in 10 states were 17% less likely to receive an appointment if they said they were pregnant
  • Over 50% of foster care placements were associated with parental substance use
  • The incidence of NAS (babies born dependent on opioids) rose nearly fivefold between 2000 and 2012
  • The fetus is subject to withdrawal in the womb
  • Buprenorphine may be a beneficial treatment option
  • Buprenorphine resulted in a 10 percent lower incidence of NAS
  • NAS is is less severe with buprenorphine than it would be in the absence of treatment
  • OUD medications making it more likely that babies will be born at term
  • Medications for OUD reduce risk of relapse and death for pregnant and postpartum women


Call Our Toll-Free Hotline 24/7 at 877.881.2689