If you struggle with self-esteem issues, you’re far from alone. One study found that 85 percent of people struggle with their self-esteem on some level.
There are many reasons a person may struggle with self-esteem. An unhappy childhood or verbally abusive parent may cause self-esteem issues to develop early on. Domestic violence, health issues, addiction, and ongoing stress are also potential causes.
No matter the reason for self-esteem issues, there are ways to begin fixing them. One of the best ways to do this is through positive reinforcement. Continue reading to learn nine tips for how you can do this on your own.
1. Set Reasonable Goals for Yourself
One reason people suffer from self-esteem issues is they set unrealistic expectations for themselves. Then, when they don’t meet those unrealistic expectations, they feel down on themselves.
Set reasonable goals for yourself and break larger goals down into smaller ones. Goals that are easier to achieve creates a sense of achievement that works as a wonderful form of positive reinforcement.
For example, if you need to lose 30 pounds, you can break this down into smaller goals. Start with losing the first five pounds, then ten pounds, and so on. It makes achieving the bigger goal easier, too.
2. Listen to What You’re Telling Yourself
What you tell yourself can make or break your self-esteem. Pay attention to whether those things are kind or harsh.
There’s never any reason to tell yourself harsh, negative things. Remember, everyone makes mistakes, but they don’t define you as a person. Instead, mistakes are an opportunity to learn something new.
3. Practice Changing Negative Thoughts To Positive
This takes what you’re telling yourself one step further. Practice changing your negative thoughts to positive until it becomes a habit. Remember that almost any negative statement can be turned into a positive one.
Don’t say, “I’m a failure because I was an addict.” Instead, say, “I’m a success because I’ve gotten clean and am continuing to work on myself.”
Don’t say, “I messed up again, so I’m a failure. Instead, say, “I made another mistake, but that’s okay because I have another opportunity to learn from.”
Changing negative thoughts to positive ones can be difficult at first. Don’t become discouraged if you find it challenging. With time, patience, and practice, positive thoughts will begin coming naturally.
4. Share Your Successes With Others
While we shouldn’t rely on other people’s opinions of us for our self-esteem, sharing your success can still be helpful. Not only does this help us feel good about ourselves, but it can help keep us on track. Sharing your accomplishments helps keep you on track because it creates a sense of accountability.
5. Surround Yourself With the Right People
The adage “you’re known by the company you keep” has some truth to it. The people you surround yourself with will have a significant influence on how you conduct yourself. They can also have a substantial effect on the way you think.
If you surround yourself with negative people, you’re less likely to think positively. If you surround yourself with positive people, you’re less likely to think negatively. Being around happy people with a healthy sense of self-esteem can help you manifest that for yourself.
6. Gently Acknowledge Where You Need Change
Everyone has flaws, and it’s important to gently acknowledge what those are. Once you understand where you could improve, you can begin slowly working on those things. As you create positive changes within yourself, your self-esteem will naturally grow.

7. Repeat Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations can work wonders because it assists in changing the way we think about ourselves. The type of affirmation that works best for you is unique and can be anything you want.
For example, you might start each day with a simple positive phrase about yourself. It might sound like this:
“I am beautiful and smart. I can do anything I set my mind to because I am determined. I am worthy of love and affection by not just others, but also myself.”
8. Practice Self Care
Self-care doesn’t have to be an expensive spa day and trips away. Self-care is anything that makes you happy and isn’t done for someone else. A few examples of self-care you can work into your routine include:
- Taking a long shower without interruption
- Relaxing in the bathtub
- Practicing a hobby you enjoy like gardening, video games, or reading
- Meditating
- Eating right
- Cooking your favorite food one night a week
- Spending time with a valued friend or family member
This is far from an all-inclusive list. Anything that makes you happy and doesn’t hurt yourself or others is a form of self-care. Even if you start with only ten minutes of self-care a day, it can make a world of difference in how you view yourself.
9. Make Yourself Feel Good By Helping Others
Helping other people can make you feel better about yourself. Try volunteering at a homeless shelter, women’s center, or food bank. Offer to help the older individuals in your community by mowing their laws or single parents with free occasional childcare.
More Questions About Self-Esteem Issues?
Many people battle with self-esteem issues. The nine tips for positive reinforcement above can help boost your self-esteem. Remember, it takes time and practice, so don’t feel discouraged when the results aren’t immediate.
Do you have more questions about self-esteem issues? Or would you like professional assistance with this type of issue?
Contact us today. One of our associates would be happy to answer any questions you still have. They can also set you up an appointment with one of our compassionate professionals if desired.