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Overcoming Stress During a World Crisis

a person holds their temples in front of an artful interpretation of anxiety

What happens when your own stress triggers are also compounded by world crises? If you have been experiencing increased stress recently, know you are not alone. Around 2 in 3 adults in the US have experienced increased stress over the past two years. 

Stress is a natural reaction everyone experiences from time to time. Maybe you experience some stress at work or home. But sometimes, stress sticks around, especially when there are events happening out of your control, which can impact your wellbeing in different ways.

Chronic stress can lead to alcohol or drug misuse. Alcohol treatment centers in Tennessee have experienced increases in people reaching out for support over the past few years. Chronic stress can also include symptoms such as headaches, upset stomach, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. 

Chronic stress can occur at any time, but there have been many challenging events worldwide in recent times, which have impacted the global collective too. Read on to learn ways for overcoming stress during these difficult times and how drug or alcohol treatment centers in Tennessee can help. 

1. Establish a Daily Routine

When everything feels out of control, a daily routine can provide the rhythm you need to keep focused. A good morning routine, healthy eating, and self-care set you up for the rest of the day. It also helps you maintain a work-life balance, which is a good technique for how to deal with stress at work too. 

Allow yourself time to do things you enjoy, such as certain hobbies, dancing, painting, reading, or seeing friends. Also, allow yourself a lunch break at work and stick to it, as breaks are essential for dealing with stress at work. 

2. Exercise

Exercise helps combat stress in different ways, from helping improve your sleep to negating the negative impact stress leaves on your body. For example, exercise stimulates your production of endorphins, which help you relax. It helps you switch off from stressful triggers in your life so that you can focus on the present moment. 

3. Take a Break

While it can be nice to keep in contact with loved ones over social media and keep up to date with the news, it can also be overwhelming. The rise of technology means there is constant access to information, which can lead to emotional overload. 

Set boundaries around your news and social media use. You can turn off notifications or even delete applications for a set time. Set yourself times that you check the news and only use factual news sites. 

Also, check the various positive news sites out there. In times of global suffering, it is important to remember there are still good events in the world. 

4. Get Outside

Did you know as little as ten minutes in nature can help with overcoming stress? There are many studies out there that support nature’s role in stress management. It can help reduce your heart rate, racing thoughts, stress hormones, and blood pressure. 

Taking a walk is a technique for how to manage stress at work or at home. Put your phone away and look around at the beauty surrounding you. If you cannot get outside during the week, consider incorporating more plants and flowers in your work or home environment. 

5. Try Breathing and Meditation Exercises 

Breathing and meditation exercises can help manage your body’s flight or fight response, which is what happens when you experience spikes in stress levels. There are different exercises to try, and you might need to test out a few to see what works for you.

You can try in-person or use one of the many free online resources. Some Tennessee rehab centers also offer programs that include yoga, breathing, and other holistic practices to manage stress long-term.

Some simple breathing techniques include the 4-7-8 technique and box breathing. 4-7-8 is when you breathe in for four seconds, hold for seven seconds, then breathe out for eight seconds. Box breathing is when you breathe in, hold the breath, exhale and hold the breath for the same amount of time, such as four seconds. 

6. Practice Compassion

Compassion means to suffer together, so be kind to yourself and others. If you are dealing with stress at work or with your family, find ways to manage stress together. Techniques include open communication, boundaries, and remembering the importance of community.

Compassion towards yourself is essential to be able to have compassion for others. As the saying goes, when we stop judging ourselves so harshly, we stop judging others so harshly. 

7. Sleep Routine 

Lack of sleep can be a contributor to increased stress levels. 70% of American adults report insufficient sleep at least once a month, and 11% report it daily. Working on your sleep hygiene and routine will do wonders for managing your day and how you can tolerate world news. 

Going to sleep at the same time every night, unplugging from devices early evening, and having a dedicated sleeping space are some of the first steps to improve your sleep. 

8. Reach Out for Support 

The past few years have been incredibly isolating for many people, and people sometimes feel unable to share their stress because of the magnitude of world events.

However, reaching out to loved ones and colleagues can help keep your stress under control. You may also help them too! 

There is also a time when overcoming stress requires professional support. This may be through counseling or a specialized center. Rehab centers in Tennessee offer support for substance abuse and mental health disorders. 

If you are dealing with stress through drug or alcohol abuse, a rehab facility in TN may be for you. 

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers in Tennessee

It can be difficult not to feel guilty for moments of joy or positivity when the world is suffering, but it is important to see the light to help others. After all, if you do not care for yourself, you cannot care for others. 

And sometimes, holding in stress becomes overwhelming, and people turn to different coping techniques, which are not always helpful. Alcohol or drug use may seem to help, but the substances perpetuate stress and cause more issues to heighten your stress.

Are you looking for Tennessee alcohol or drug rehabilitation? Apex Recovery is one of the top drug and alcohol treatment centers in Tennessee. We are here to help you overcome your addiction and learn ways to manage stress.

There is a team of professionals ready to help create a personalized treatment plan for you. Reach out to us today to begin your recovery journey.

Call Our Toll-Free Hotline 24/7 at 877.881.2689