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How to Talk to a Loved One About Going to Rehab

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If you have a loved one who is suffering from a drug addiction, you’re not alone. 10 percent of people from the US have a drug use disorder at some point in their lives. 

However, just because drug addictions are common, doesn’t mean they’re not dangerous. Talking to a loved one and getting them on the road to going to rehab is hyper-important in making sure they wind up alright.

This article will walk you through a few tips you can use to help a loved one who’s going through a drug addiction make use of one of the best rehab centers in Tennessee.

Understand What You’re Talking About

No matter how you slice it, this conversation is not going to be easy. People in the throes of drug addiction might well not be aware of how bad things are. Even if they do understand how bad things are, they might think that they can fix it themself. 

To get the most out of your conversation, you’re going to need to make sure that you don’t frustrate the person you’re talking to. The best way to frustrate them is to not know what you’re talking about. 

Make sure you conduct research on how drug rehab works, so you can answer their questions and dispel any incorrect assumptions they might have had. For example, you might be able to convince them to go by showing them that some rehabs have a specific treatment program for those addicted to cocaine as opposed to a general narcotics program. 

You might also let them know that most contemporary rehab centers use a holistic approach, addressing mental health and drug addiction concerns. They do this because contemporary medicine understands the two to be deeply linked. If your loved one is concerned about addressing mental health concerns, you can assure them that they would get therapy as well. 

Control Your Emotions 

Your loved one might have done things as a result of their drug addiction that has hurt you. There might be problems that they have that you want to address. However, now is not the time to address them. 

Remember that your loved one is suffering from a disease. They’re not entirely themselves when they’re suffering from a drug addiction. Your main priority has to be getting them to go to rehab; if you can do this, they will likely apologize later since apologies are a part of most 12 step programs. 

The drug addiction your loved one is suffering likely puts them in a tough emotional state. They’re going to need you as a rock to guide them through their tough times. If you show a high degree of emotion, they might instinctually not trust you.  

On the other hand, it’s important to let them know what’s been bothering you. Often, addicts/those suffering from mental health disorders engage in reckless behaviors because they don’t care about their own wellbeing. Let them know that you’re well-being is being hurt by this—but do so calmly. 

Mind Your Language

While your intentions might be pure, and your emotions might be controlled, a choice of the wrong language can still throw a wrench in your plans. 

No one wants to look at themselves as an “addict,” a “junkie,” or even an “alcoholic.” It’s going to take a while for your loved one to start seeing themself in this light. Refer to their problem as something outside of them that they can deal with and take care of.

On top of this, you should avoid vagueness. Don’t say things unless you have an immediate plan to back them up. Instead of saying something like “you need to get help,” consider telling them about a specific program that you found that could pertain to their interests. 

If you notice certain terms that they use to describe their drinking habits, friends, and problems, try to echo those terms in a sincere way to them. People communicate with their own unique languages, and you’ll get through to them better by adopting theirs. Make sure you pay attention to this in the time leading up to your talk. 

Don’t Spring It on Them 

One of the worst things you can do to try to address a problem that a loved one has is to surprise them with it. Tell them that you want to talk about something at a certain time that’s convenient for them. Make sure they understand that the conversation is important. 

No matter how heated an argument or conversation might get, never spring this information on them during an argument. This will seem accusatory, and can likely hinder your progress. They might simply avoid seeking help just to spite you. 

This should go without saying—but you should pick a moment when your loved one is sober. This is when their truest self is still around. Your words will get through to them most likely then. 

If you’ve tried to talk about this subject but before but have run into a wall, you might want to consider hiring a therapist to conduct an intervention. An intervention is a distinct but kind way of letting someone know that their problems are affecting a lot of people. 

Get Your Loved One to Go to Rehab in TN at Apex Recovery

Bringing up the subject of rehab to a loved one who’s suffering from addiction isn’t easy. However, if you follow these steps, and make sure that you focus on their health, you’ll be far more likely to succeed. Make sure you let them know that there are many options for rehab in Tennessee, including Apex Recovery, so they have some options in mind. 

For more information, contact us today. 

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